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Website Design Trends

Gone are the days of templated, stale websites.

Last year, we saw the rise of several technologies that opened the door for new and innovative approaches to website design. This year, we will see this trend continue, as the Internet landscape reshapes itself to maximize these advancements. With the New Year fast approaching, let’s take a quick look at some of these new trends.

Trend 1: Support of Retina Displays

With the introduction of a new iPad line, as well as new tablet entries from Windows and Google, display quality is improving at a rapid pace. This higher density of pixels allows for designers to create eye-popping sites, utilize breathtaking pictures and create stunning backgrounds and transitions. 

Trend 2: Unique Typography

Gone are the days of websites utilizing the same fonts across the board. Thanks to the introduction and use of various technologies, more and more sites are featuring their own unique font families. These allow for a seamless user experience, where words and images can tell a story together, rather than seem like completely separate thoughts. 

Trend 3: Flat Sites

Is the world’s obsession with 3D websites is officially over? Tomorrow's designs will emphasize beautifully crafted flat images, which look sleek and modern on any device. Look no further than Windows 8 or iOS 8 to see just how popular these stunningly simple designs are becoming. 

Trend 4: Responsive Design

Desktop computers are no longer dominating our web-browsing experience. With tablet and smartphone use on a steep incline, sites must react to the changing size limitations. Enter responsive design, which allows sites to change their ratios, information and orientation to fit nearly any size window. This means a smooth, engaging experience, no matter where the user may be.

To learn more about responsive web design, and if it's great for you contact us or check out our mobile web design services section. 

Trend 5: Infographics & Shareable Content

User-generated content continues to grow across the web and in response; sites are making it easier and easier for users to distribute their information—from attention grabbing infographics that turn data and statistics into colorful stories, to social tabs that allow for one-click sharing to Facebook and Twitter. Rather than create a site that acts as an island, we will see a rise in sites that act as a hub, where users begin an experience before branching it out to their own networks. 

Trend 6: Parallax Scrolling

Just what is it? It’s the redistribution of background images and content, based on fixed points in the scroll bar, in order to create a seamless, functional experience for users. Not sure what that means? Perhaps an example is in order. These overlapping pages, which change as a user scrolls, turn any ordinary website into an extraordinarily interactive story. Not only is it beautiful, but it also allows for a plethora of content to be presented, without the addition of endless buttons and menus. 

Is your site in need of a personality upgrade this year? With so many available options, there’s no longer a rational excuse in downplaying or ignoring your web presence. A contemporary design and thoughtful approach can make all the difference in your company’s ability to compete for traffic, users and most of all, fans.