How to Build a Brand Fantasy – Guide for Digital Marketers

Brand Fantasy - Brand Strategy for Digital Marketers

We’ve been discussing neuromarketing and the impacts this has on branding, digital marketing, and consumers. To win and stay ahead of competition, balancing the importance of unconscious and conscious marketing is vital – sure, it’s difficult and sometimes abstract, but it’s absolutely needed for a full 360 degree view of who your customer is. Daryl […]

Neuromarketing Creates the Perfect Brand Fantasy

Brand Fantasy - Neuromarketing

As Marketers, we’re always focused on our brand perception, brand aspiration, brand positioning, and brand image, but is that enough to win? How do you ensure you will have the edge against competition? Well, Neuromarketing brings us closer to the answer:  build a brand fantasy. This takes the concept of aspirational to an even higher […]