We’ve been discussing neuromarketing and the impacts this has on branding, digital marketing, and consumers. To win and stay ahead of competition, balancing the importance of unconscious and conscious marketing is vital – sure, it’s difficult and sometimes abstract, but it’s absolutely needed for a full 360 degree view of who your customer is. Daryl […]
Business Best Practices & How To
Steps for a Successful Online Website Redesign – The 4 Ds

Back in 2008 (9 years ago!), I wrote about the steps for a “Successful Project and Product Launch” and to this day, I still follow them. The 4Ds have stuck with me through thick and thin and are bullet proof. I’ve used this model with different projects – small and large – and have perfected […]
Best Companies To Work For – What Do They Offer?
All of the 100 Best Companies to Work For have similar offerings that make them appealing to current and prospective employees. Not everyone can offer the crazy perks of Google and Facebook, but most companies can offer the bare minimum. Employees are looking for a wide-range of company characteristics that will enable future professional growth […]
How To Become A Leader In Business
Looking at how to become a leader in business? Exemplifying leadership qualities is key to professional success and will create new opportunities for growth and to move up at your company. But, you must be a leader first. Illustrating leadership qualities will facilitate your lateral growth in business and will enable others to follow your same […]
Tips for Presenting to Senior Management and Executives
Presenting to senior management and executives, especially at Fortune 500 Companies, can be career-defining. Very few get the opportunity to interact with senior executives, therefore, following tips and best practices on how to make the best presentation is vital. There are many useful tips on the web, but some of the best tips are from […]
How to Move Up at Your Company & the Corporate Ladder
Want to move up at your company and in the corporate ladder…but how do you do it? Most people should always be thinking about ways to keep them relevant in a company and to keep moving up in an organization. It’s not easy and needs to be earned, but how do you set yourself in […]
Managing for Success – Get the Best Out of Your Team
Creating a successful environment for a team is difficult and rewarding. Managing different personalities and habits in itself is a gift, but how do you create an environment to win? Winning doesn’t necessarily mean getting first place, selling the most or becoming the most recognizable team at work. Instead, winning is about getting everyone involved […]
Categories & Tags: Most “abused” feature in blogs
Using tags and categories are easy ways for bloggers to expand their global reach, especially with sites like technorati. Check out Andy’s Goode Life Blog for a good beginner’s write up on using tags. There’s a double advantage to having categories and tags: one reason we’ve already talked about, but the second reason is to […]
Building An Online Community (Tool #1: Blog) (Part 2)
I’ve previously talked about the basics for building an online community starting with corporate blogs. This is great for building a foundation, but each online community must have an underlying strategy to keep it living. Strategic planning is vital in ensuring online community goals are met and evolving. Here’s my list of milestones and goals […]
Steps to a SUCCESSFUL project and product launch
2017 Update: I’ve been using the 4D Model for 9 years and it’s still bullet proof. I recently adapted this for “website redesigns” in case you’re looking for some help in that area. See my steps for a successful website redesign. — Everywhere around me, people talk about being an online community manager and being […]