We’ve been discussing neuromarketing and the impacts this has on branding, digital marketing, and consumers. To win and stay ahead of competition, balancing the importance of unconscious and conscious marketing is vital – sure, it’s difficult and sometimes abstract, but it’s absolutely needed for a full 360 degree view of who your customer is. Daryl […]
Brand Strategy
The Unconscious Myths Of Digital Marketing

The quest to change Digital Marketing continues with Douglas Van Praet’s “Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (And Inspire) Marketing” and after an interesting, yet controversial, introduction, we’re getting more into the beef of Neuroscience and how unconscious/conscious consumer decisions affect brands, sales, and Digital Marketing. “In each of us there is another whom we don’t […]
The Power of Neuroscience in Digital Marketing

As Digital Marketers, we’re often focused on predictions: What’s are the newest trends for the year? Where’s the market moving? Where should we focus our marketing spend? Maybe we, as Digital Marketers, should be focused on something deeper: Why do we choose one brand over another? How do people make buying decisions? What motivates us […]
#Hashtags Are the Future – Facebook Should Take Note
Super Bowl Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t already seen the Super Bowl, the Ravens beat the Niners 34-31. Aside from the big game, we learned a lot about the use of social media. Besides text messaging, social media was the preferred way to talk about the game to peers; whether that be Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, […]
Biggest Opportunity for Facebook is MUSIC TO MY EARS
Facebook is everywhere…movies, online, B2C, B2B, commercial stores and in almost every household in the nation. Yet, where is Facebook’s presence lacking? It’s an obvious one and its a billion dollar industry: MUSIC. Yes, Facebook has band pages where you can like an artist, learn about updates, etc. But its just another website for a […]
Future of QR Codes – What’s at stake?
QR codes have been in business for a few years now, but left relatively unknown until recently. With smartphones expanding its consumer reach to about 35% of the adult population, QR codes may generate more and more interest. Or they could fail and be a wasted effort. QR Code Basics What is it? A QR […]
Apple Is Expanding Its Reach With The Help Of Target
It’s a good move for both Apple and Target, but it may help Apple a bit more. As if Apple is not saturated enough, they’re moving in with Target (just like they have with Best Buy). Apple prides itself on being “easy” …devices are easy to use, devices are easy to purchase and devices are […]
What’s the #1 Phone at AT&T and Verizon? Hint: It’s not RIM
A survey was completed over the course of 3 weeks with 250 AT&T and Verizon stores in hopes of discovering what phone is the #1 seller. Possible phones in the running were Blackberry (RIM), Windows, iPhone, Droids and HTCs. Discussions of the results can be found on techmeme. Here’s a summary of the results […]
Toyota Friend – New Social Network for Toyota Owners
Social business is hitting all industries and making an impact on how we communicate online. Toyota is the latest auto company to dive into social media and put some real investment in their customers. Toyota Friend is a new social network that will come equipped with new Toyota cars, starting with the company’s next battery […]
Empire Avenue “Portfolio View” Gets a Face Lift – ALL NEW VIEW
Empire Avenue, introduced to me by Jeremiah, has become a never-ending pursuit of brand awareness for “myself” (see my initial thoughts here). I consider my online social identity (whether it be my last name, first name or both) to be my brand. A brand that I care about, promote and keep enhancing through my social […]