Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 5

Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 5

Delay alert! Week 5 wrap up is late by a few days and all I can say is “finally.” Not finally a blog post, but finally life is back to “normal” to the point where I’m running out of time again. Before Covid-19 / Coronavirus hit, life was busy as always. Time was the most […]

Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 4

Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 4

I still remember the exact moment when I first caught wind that we’d be working from home indefinitely due to Coronavirus. The feeling of shock, uncertainty, and unease began to creep up as I was unsure of what exactly we were facing. Looking back, I was one of the last team members to continue working […]

Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 2

Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 2

Week 1 down, Week 2 conquered. As Coronavirus / COVID-19 continues to spread, Week 2 forced me to put life into perspective. Not just for selfish reasons, but for all those around me – family, friends, and neighbors. It was the dose of reality that I needed and I hope others felt it too. One […]