I still remember the exact moment when I first caught wind that we’d be working from home indefinitely due to Coronavirus. The feeling of shock, uncertainty, and unease began to creep up as I was unsure of what exactly we were facing. Looking back, I was one of the last team members to continue working […]
new life
Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 3

Week 1, 2, and 3 are in the books. Time is flying on by. First week or so, it was all about getting in a groove, 2nd week it was finding my routine, and 3rd week is all about normalcy. Grateful for each day and the memories we’re creating. Binge watching, what a beautiful thing! […]
Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 2

Week 1 down, Week 2 conquered. As Coronavirus / COVID-19 continues to spread, Week 2 forced me to put life into perspective. Not just for selfish reasons, but for all those around me – family, friends, and neighbors. It was the dose of reality that I needed and I hope others felt it too. One […]